Hi friends now i am talking about linux operating system.the linux is a operating system which is developed in 1991 by linus torwald,a finish graduate student.before the linux the unix is a paid O.S.linus torwald want to cerate a free O.S for all the people's.the linus torwald create a post based on the linux. he is told that he wants to create a free O.S for all the people's please help me in this and the idia is working he will get the reply from many people's and after some time he creates the O.S named is the O.S which is CLI based and it works with its basic commands.the basic commands of LINUX are;
mkdir: make directory (a directory is often called a folder in windows). A directory is
a special le on the storage device that can contain other les. For instance, `mkdir
cs1073' will create the directory/folder cs1073 in the present working directory.
pwd: print working directory. Shows where you are in the le system (i.e. are you at
your top directory, or deep in nested folders)? For instance, right after I log in, if I
type `pwd', I get:
cd : change directory. This is the way to move around in the lesystem. For instance,
if I type cd cs1073 then I will change into the subdirectory (a subdirectory is a folder
which is contained within another folder) cs1073.
ls : list. Prints out what les are available in the present working directory. Important
tags include `-A', which says to list hidden les as well as normal les, and `-l' which
says to list with long format (providing more information about all les.
man : manual. Print man page of provided command. For instance, `man ls' provides
the system help on using the command ls.
cp: copy. Copy a le to another le. For instance `cp c2f.f90 f2c.f90' will copy
the le c2f.f90 so that the same data exists as the le f2c.f90 in the same directory.
{ Linux lename commands have the special character `.', which means \Using the
same lename" when given as a target for commands like cp or mv. For instance
`cp c2f.f90 ../.' will duplicate the le c2f.f90 into the directory above this
one, using the lename c2f.f90.
mv: move. Copy a le to a new le/path, and delete the original le. For instance, `mv
c2f.f90 celc2fair.f90' will result in replicating the le c2f.f90, and then deleting
the original lename (c2f.f90).
rm: remove. Delete the provided le(s). For instance `rm c2f.o' will permenently
delete the le c2f.o. Use this command with care, since you can delete every le
you own if you are not careful. I recommend that you always use the -i
ag, which will cause rm to ask you if you really want to delete. You can ensure this by typing
`alias rm rm -i' before ever using rm.
rmdir: remove directory. Delete the speci ed directory. This command only works if
the directory is empty.
history: print a listing of most recent commands the user has entered. You can then
repeat a command using the !. For instance !110 will repeat the command with the
label 110 from the history listing. ! For most shells, hitting the up arrow will take you one command back in your history, the down arrow will take you one command forward in your history,
and the left and right arrows allow you to move around in these remembered
commands so that you can edit them.
cat : concatonate. Takes a list of text les, and prints them to screen, starting with
the rst le in the list and ending with the last. If used with only one le, it types its
contents to the screen.
diff: di erence. Compares two di erent text les, and displays any di erences line-
by-line to the screen. If there is no output, then the les contain the exact same text.
Very useful for making your output match someone else's exactly, or to see what has
changed between versions of a program.
grep: global regular expresion print: search for given pattern/patterns in the provide
list of les and print any occurances line-by-line to the screen. Has simple form grep
pattern [files].
gfortran : invoke the Fortran 95 compiler. For example: `gfortran -g -Wall -o
xc2f celc2fair.f90' will compile the program that has been saved to the lename
celc2fair.f90 in the present working directory, and place the executable in the
lename xc2f in the same directory (under windows, a .exe le extension will be
automatically added to the lename, but this is not true for linux).
pine: a simple non-graphical e-mail client.
find: search for files in a directory hierarchy
Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern]
eg. find file1.txt, find name
history: prints recently used commands
echo: display a line of text
Usage: echo [OPTION] [string] ...
eg. echo I love India
echo $HOME
wc print:the number of newlines, words, and bytes in files
Usage: wc [OPTION]... [FILE]...
eg. wc file1.txt
wc L
sort: sort lines of text files
Usage: sort [OPTION]... [FILE]...
eg. sort file1.txt
sort r
chmod: change file access permissions
Usage: chmod [OPTION] [MODE] [FILE]
eg. chmod 744
chown: change file owner and group
Usage: chown [OPTION]... OWNER[:[GROUP]] FILE...
eg. chown remo myfile.txt
su – change user ID or become superuser
Usage: su [OPTION] [LOGIN]
eg. su remo, su
passwd: update a user’s authentication tokens(s)
Usage: passwd [OPTION]
eg. passwd
who: show who is logged on
Usage: who [OPTION]
eg. who , who b
, who q
ps: report a snapshot of the current processes
Usage: ps [OPTION]
eg. ps, ps el
kill: to kill a process(using signal mechanism)
Usage: kill [OPTION] pid
eg. kill 9
tar: to archive a file
eg. tar cvf
/home/archive.tar /home/original
tar xvf
zip: package and compress (archive) files
eg. zip original
unzip: list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
Usage: unzip filename
eg. unzip
reboot: reboot the system
Usage: reboot [OPTION]
eg. reboot
poweroff: power off the system
Usage: poweroff [OPTION]
eg. poweroff.